Summer of the Classics (or Pass the Prozac, Please)

So, this is the last official week of our summer reading programs at the library.  The adult’s program featured a decades theme, allowing participants to read books, watch movies and listen to music from the 1930’s to the present.  I thought that it would be great to catch up on some classics that I’ve never read.  How fun!

The theme was great but the classics that I picked up were completely depressing.  Apparently the good ol’ days weren’t always so good.

Here’s a rundown of the ones that I finished (and yes, I did try some and gave up).

The Pearl by John Steinbeck – Money and fortune doesn’t always buy you happiness.  In this case, money and fortune can ruin your life.

1984 by George Orwell – Excellent book if you’re paranoid. 

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie – Yeesh.  Psycho serial killer preys on people with secrets in their past.  If you like the Dexter tv series, you might like this one too. 

Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut – Actually, this one did have some funny parts and made me laugh.  I suppose the atomic bomb and the end of the world really aren’t funny and that says something about my personality.

Young Adam – This was a book made into a movie starring Ewan McGregor and Tilda Swinson.  I’m not sure what the author (who was a beat poet) was trying to say about society.  Whatever it was, it wasn’t good.  It’s described as a noir film – that explained a lot, especially the full frontal nudity (now you’re all running to get that movie, right?).

Books that I tried to read but couldn’t finish…

As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner – Two words: Cliffs Notes.  The dead woman on the cover was kind of a deterrent too.

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck – Could anything about the Dust Bowl be uplifting?  Great book, just too long for the summer. 

I’d LOVE to hear what you’ve read this summer.  You can even tell me what you intended to read but couldn’t get to – that counts too.  There’s always next year.